Saltwater Crocodile

Crocodylus porosus

Identification: The Saltwater Crocodile (also known as the Estuarine or Indopacific Crocodile) is a broad-snouted species that grows to a large size (up to 7 metres but rarely more than 5 metres). This is the largest of all living crocodiles.

Distribution: Islands of the western Pacific, India, south-east Asia, New Guinea and northern Australia. In Queensland, Saltwater Crocodiles may be encountered in the sea or any coastal waterway from Rockhampton north. Individuals are occasionally seen as far south as the Mary River (Gympie) and their distribution may extend further south as a result of climate change.

Habitat: Coastal rivers, swamps and lagoons – will readily enter the ocean.

Danger: Dangerous. Due care should be taken when approaching the water or undertaking water-related actives within the known distribution of this species. Crocodile warning signs are posted on many northern waterways and these should be heeded at all times.

Food: A broad range of crustaceans, fish, reptiles, birds and mammals. Large crocodiles can overpower large mammals such as pigs, horses and cattle. Humans are also occasionally taken.

Breeding: As many as 60 hard-shelled eggs are laid in a mound of vegetation and soil during the wet season. These take around three months to hatch and are guarded by the female throughout this time.

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