Black-faced Percher

Diplacodes melanopsis

Identification: Body length 29-33 mm. Wingspan 50-57 mm. Young male and female mostly sandy-yellow. Single small dark spot low down on side of synthorax. Wings clear with orange-brown bases, larger on hindwing. Top of abdomen has central black line that expands as spots at rear of segments. Sides of middle segments of abdomen have black patches extending from rear to about middle of each segment, sometimes joined with central black line in male. As male matures, abdomen becomes deep red, and whole thorax and head black. As female matures, abdomen becomes reddish orange and thorax brown. Male abdomen, in top view, weakly constricted in middle, female abdomen relatively broad in top and side view, gradually tapering to tip.

Distribution in SEQ: Sunshine Coast to Gold Coast, within 50 km of coast.

Habitat: Lakes, pools, swamps, sluggish rivers.

Notes: Males fly low over water and often return to the same perch. The least common of the reddish percher species in SEQ.

Similar local species: Wandering Percher (Diplacodes bipunctata), Pygmy Percher (Nannodiplax rubra), female Scarlet Percher (Diplacodes haematodes).

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