Common Green Treefrog

Litoria caerulea

Identification: The Common Green Treefrog is a large species, growing to 110 mm. It is bright to dull green with a rounded head. There is a prominent, fleshy skin fold above the ear. The flanks may be plain or spotted with white. The belly is white and the back of the thighs are yellow to maroon.

Habitat and Range: This species is widespread through northern and eastern Australia but absent from Victoria. Found in a wide variety of habitats but absent from rainforest. This species is frequently encountered near human habitation.

Call: A deep repeated 'crawk crawk'. Often heard calling from drains and downpipes during humid conditions and following rain.

Breeding: Takes place from November to January. The eggs are laid in jelly mats on the surface of the water and sink to the bottom. Development from egg to small frog takes around 6 weeks.

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