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96 results. Displaying results 1 - 40.

Pygmy Wisp
The Pygmy Wisp is a tiny damselfly that inhabits ponds, swamps and fringes of dams and lakes with plentiful aquatic vegetation. Mature males are dark brown or black with greenish markings and a reddish tip to the abdomen. Young females are mostly red and become black and green as they age.
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Spike-top Apple Snail
Apple Snails are freshwater snails commonly sold in the aquarium trade for the purpose of keeping aquarium glass clean of algae. However, if released, these snails, native to South America, are a potentially serious biological threat to the waterways of Australia.
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Red-rumped Wisp
The Red-rumped Wisp is a tiny damselfly that inhabits a variety of standing water habitats, including small, well-vegetated ponds, dams and swamps. It is very similar to the Pgymy Wisp but males have more of the tip of the abdomen reddish. However, only female Red-rumped Wisps are known from south-east Queensland.
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Petaltails are very large, dull-coloured dragonflies with eyes separated on the top of the head. Males have distinctive, leaf-like cerci on the tip of the abdomen.
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Tigertails are medium-sized black dragonflies with yellow markings, and with eyes touching at the top of the head. Males have hindwings with an angled base, and auricles (paired ear-shaped structures) on A2 of the abdomen.
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Hunters, vicetails, tigers and dragons
These dragonflies are predominantly black and yellow, with the eyes narrowly separated on the top of the head. The wings are clear. Most species are associated with flowing streams, but a few breed in standing waters.
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Gold-fronted Riverdamsel
The Gold-fronted Riverdamsel is a medium-sized damselfly that mainly inhabits streams, rivers and riverine pools. Mature males are unmistakable with a bright yellow head and top of the thorax. The rest of the thorax and the abdomen is blue and black.
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Emerald dragonflies are medium-sized, dark green or black, and yellow, with eyes touching on the top of the head. The eyes of many species are a bright metallic green. The wings are clear or may have faint brownish tips. The male hindwing has a rounded base.
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Wandering Pennant
The Wandering Pennant is a medium-sized dragonfly that inhabits standing waters, such as lakes, swamps, dams and temporary pools. Mature males are red with a thick black line along the top of the abdomen.
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Darners, emperors, hawkers, duskhawkers and evening darners
The Aeshnidae are large to very large, robust and strong-flying dragonflies, with eyes touching at the top of the head. Many species have pale stripes and spots on the thorax and abdomen. Others, especially crepuscular species, are mostly dull-coloured.
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Sigma Darner
The Sigma Darner is a large, brown to dark brown dragonfly with pale stripes and spots. It inhabits streams in a variety of forest types, ranging from rainforest to drier open forest.
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Smooth-handed Ghost Crab
The Smooth-handed Ghost Crab can be found on top of frontal dunes to about 200 m inland. It is often seen scurrying about beach campsites. It occurs in northern Australia from Kimberley, WA, to northern NSW.
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Flame-headed Riverdamsel
The Flame-headed Riverdamsel is a moderately large damselfly that inhabits streams and rivers. Males are mostly black with a bright orange face and green stripes of the thorax. As they age, the sides of the thorax and tip of the abdomen develop a pale powdery coating.
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Blue Slim
The Blue Slim is a medium-sized damselfly that inhabits standing waters including ponds, dams and swamps. Males and females are blue and black with a long, slender abdomen.
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Black-faced Percher
The Black-faced Percher is a small dragonfly that inhabits lakes, pools, swamps and sluggish rivers. Mature males have a black head and thorax and a deep red abdomen with black markings.
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Wandering Percher
The Wandering Percher is a small dragonfly that inhabits a range of standing and slow-flowing waters, including temporay pools. Mature males are mostly red with dark markings on the abdomen.
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Brown Tiger Prawn
The Brown Tiger Prawn is a large, banded prawn growing to 235 mm in length. It occurs on mud or sandy mud, and is found in northern Australia from Shark Bay, WA, to central NSW.
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Common Violet Snail
The Common Violet Snail is a thin-shelled marine snail that lives out its entire life cycle floating on the surface of the ocean, but often seen washed up on beaches after strong winds. It is found worldwide including both tropical and temperate Australia.
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Perchers, skimmers, gliders and flutterers
The Libellulidae range in size from very small to large and have eyes that touch on the top of the head. In males, the hindwing has a rounded base, and A2 of the abdomen has no auricles. Colour varies widely among different species. Males and females of the same species are sometimes very different in appearance. Most species breed in standing waters.
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Giant Panda Snail
The Giant Panda Snail is Australia's largest land snail, the shell of which may reach 90 mm in height. This species is often encountered in the rainforests around Brisbane, particularly at night after rain when they are out feeding on fungi. Giant Panda Snails occur as far south as Barrington Tops in NSW.
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