Geography Cone

Conus geographus

This is a large species of cone snail with the shell reaching up to about 120 mm long. Geography Cones live on sand and rubble, under rocks and coral in the intertidal and subtidal zones. They prey on fish and are highly venomous. It is not advisable to pick up any live cone snails. The Geography Cone has been responsible for at least a dozen deaths throughout its distribution, including the death of a young man who was stung at Hayman Island on the Great Barrier Reef in 1935. Other Cone Snails are almost as dangerous, especially the Striated Cone (Conus striatus). Treatment involves using pressure/ immobilisation, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if necessary, and urgent medical assistance.

Found from north WA to southern Queensland, and widely distributed throughout the Indo-West Pacific.

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