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8 results. Displaying results 1 - 8.

Brown Tiger Prawn
The Brown Tiger Prawn is a large, banded prawn growing to 235 mm in length. It occurs on mud or sandy mud, and is found in northern Australia from Shark Bay, WA, to central NSW.
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Pygmy Wisp
The Pygmy Wisp is a tiny damselfly that inhabits ponds, swamps and fringes of dams and lakes with plentiful aquatic vegetation. Mature males are dark brown or black with greenish markings and a reddish tip to the abdomen. Young females are mostly red and become black and green as they age.
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Red-rumped Wisp
The Red-rumped Wisp is a tiny damselfly that inhabits a variety of standing water habitats, including small, well-vegetated ponds, dams and swamps. It is very similar to the Pgymy Wisp but males have more of the tip of the abdomen reddish. However, only female Red-rumped Wisps are known from south-east Queensland.
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Glossy Turban Carnivorous Snail
The Glossy Turban Carnivorous Snail belongs to a family (Rhytididae) whose members prey on invertebrates such as earthworms and also on other snails. It ranges from the Barrington Tops in New South Wales to about Nambour in south-eastern Queensland.
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Giant Squid
Giant Squid are among the world's largest molluscs (the longest recorded being approximately 13 metres), and heaviest invertebrates (up to half a tonne). Only the Colossal Squid is thought to be larger (14 metres).
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Chitons differ from other molluscs by having an 8-plated shell, which is held together by a tough band of tissues known as the girdle. The various types of chitons are distinguished by colour and structural differences in the plates and girdle
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Hairy Mussel
The Hairy Mussel occurs abundantly along the eastern and southern coasts of Australia as far south as Tasmania, particularly in estuarine localities. Shells of living animals are covered in short bristles. They occur in eastern and southern Australia.
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Tusk Shells
Scaphopods - popularly known as tusk shells - form a distinctive class of marine molluscs characterised among other things by their curved, open-ended shells. Tusk shells are not often seen living, and several inhabit water as deep as 2000 metres. Australia has approximately 106 species of scaphopod known to date.
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