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4 results. Displaying results 1 - 4.

Name Summary Subject categories
Green Turtle, Chelonia mydas. © Queensland Museum, Gary Cranitch. Green Turtle
The Green Turtle is a large turtle with a bullet-shaped head and four large scales down either side of the shell. It is found in coastal, tropical and subtropical waters worldwide.
Loggerhead Turtle, Caretta caretta Loggerhead Turtle
The Loggerhead Turtle is a large turtle with a broad, triangular head and powerful crushing jaws. It is found in coastal, tropical and subtropical waters around the world.
Eastern Long-necked Turtle, Chelodina longicollis. © Queensland Museum, Gary Cranitch. Freshwater turtles
Freshwater turtles are commonly seen in most Queensland waterways. Some species have long, snake-like necks, others are short-necked. Unlike the sea turtles and many foreign freshwater turtles, the Australian chelids fold their necks side-ways under the protective edge of the shell (pleurodirous). They have clawed, webbed feet and many species have distinct barbels on the chin.
Hawksbill Turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata Hawksbill Turtle
The Hawksbill Turtle is a medium-sized turtle with a narrow head and beak-like snout. The shell has four large scales down either side which are thick and overlapping. It is found in tropical seas of northern Australia, the central Atlantic and Indo-Pacific regions.