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96 results. Displaying results 1 - 40.

Brown Tiger Prawn
The Brown Tiger Prawn is a large, banded prawn growing to 235 mm in length. It occurs on mud or sandy mud, and is found in northern Australia from Shark Bay, WA, to central NSW.
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Spotted Velvet Gecko
The Spotted Velvet Gecko is uncommon in suburban Brisbane; abundant in surrounding bush-land. Coast and ranges from mid-eastern Queensland to north-eastern New South Wales.
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Pygmy Wisp
The Pygmy Wisp is a tiny damselfly that inhabits ponds, swamps and fringes of dams and lakes with plentiful aquatic vegetation. Mature males are dark brown or black with greenish markings and a reddish tip to the abdomen. Young females are mostly red and become black and green as they age.
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Mauve-eyed Hermit
The Mauve-eyed Hermit is instantly recognisable by its bright red body, legs with pale purple-banded joints and mauve eyestalks. It is found on a variety of substrates including rock, reef, and sandy mud seagrass flats, from tropical to warm-temperate Australia, south to NSW.
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Stalk-eyed Swimmer Crab
The Stalk-eyed Swimmer Crab occurs over sandy-mud and weed substrates, occasionally taken in pots and bait nets, shallow subtidal zone to 20 m depth. It is found in Northern Australia from Exmouth Gulf, WA, to Moreton Bay.
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Horn-eyed Ghost Crab
The Horn-eyed Ghost Crab is common on the open beach below frontal dunes in the intertidal zone. Most active at night. It is found in northern Australia from Shark Bay, WA, to northern NSW.
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Eastern Brown Snake
The Eastern Brown Snake may be any shade of brown but can also be grey or black. Some individuals are banded. The belly is typically cream with pink or orange spots. It is found over most of Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.
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Coastal Evening Darner
The Coastal Evening Darner is a large, brownish dragonfly with dark markings along the leading edges of the wings. It inhabits streams and creeks running through a variety of habitats, including rainforest and paperbark swamp. Adults are crepuscular.
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Australian Duskhawker
The Australian Duskhawker is a large, brown and green dragonfly with a spotted abdomen. It breeds in a range of standing waters but crepuscular adults can be found far from water resting close to the ground, often in long grass.
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Fiery Skimmer
The Fiery Skimmer is a medium-sized dragonfly that inhabits a wide range of standing and flowing waters, including lakes, ponds, swamps, streams and seepages. The young adults are yellow-orange but mature males develop a solid-red abdomen and dark-brown thorax.
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Striped Marshfrog
The Striped Marshfrog is light brown to grey-brown and marked with bold, dark longitudinal stripes. It is widespread in coastal eastern Australia and also occurs in Tasmania.
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Southern Giant Darner
The Southern Giant Darner is a very large, dull brown dragonfly with pale-cream to yellowish markings. It inhabits streams and creeks in wetter forests, particularly rainforest.
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Pale Banded Snail
The Pale Banded Snail has, as the common name suggests, a pale, yellowish shell with many strong, dark brown spiral bands. It also has a dark brown patch behind the outer lip and on the umbilical region on the base of the shell. It ranges from about the Tweed river region in northern New South Wales northwards to the Broadsound Range, north-west of Rockhampton, and inland to the Carnarvon area, Queensland.
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Evening Brown
The Evening Brown butterfly rests on the ground during the day and flies at dusk. The green caterpillars have horned heads and feed on a variety of grasses.
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Sigma Darner
The Sigma Darner is a large, brown to dark brown dragonfly with pale stripes and spots. It inhabits streams in a variety of forest types, ranging from rainforest to drier open forest.
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Banded Coral Shrimp
The Banded Coral Shrimp has a reddish-brown banded body and claws, and can reach 90 mm in length. It is found in northern Australia from North West Cape, WA, to southern NSW; Indo-Pacific to West Atlantic.
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Red-rumped Wisp
The Red-rumped Wisp is a tiny damselfly that inhabits a variety of standing water habitats, including small, well-vegetated ponds, dams and swamps. It is very similar to the Pgymy Wisp but males have more of the tip of the abdomen reddish. However, only female Red-rumped Wisps are known from south-east Queensland.
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Forest Darner
The Forest Darner is a large, brown to dark brown dragonfly with pale stripes and spots. It inhabits streams and rivers running through rainforest and other wet forests.
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Blue Triangle
The Blue Triangle butterfly has triangular wings each with a central pale blue area bordered with dark brown. It is found in eastern coastal Qld and NSW.
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Bee Killer Assassin Bug
The Bee Killer Assassin Bug is a slow-moving predator that lurks among foliage and on flowers to ambush other insects as food. It is widespread in eastern Qld and NSW.
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